George Zacharias
Video Game Designer
Project Snapshot
Puzzle Adventure, Zelda-like game​
4 Zones, 2 Dungeons and 4 Gadgets to find.
I Worked on Level, Gameplay and Narrative Design.
Created by 4 Designers and 2 artist over 6 months on Game Maker
My Work & Process
Gameplay and Narrative Design
We created gadgets and level design based on our core pillars of Stealth, In-direct/ Opportunist Conflict and Subterfuge.
Example: Meat. Using this gadget the Player character can divert an enemy for a short duration or worse, into the line of sight of a different predator.
Level Design
I worked on the Jungle Zone and my intention for the area was simple: Winding and Intimidating.
After a few paper iterations, I decided on a maze design and placed key ingredients and encounters around enemy ambushes and sneak spots.
Takeaways from the Project
It was my first 2D Adventure game with the scope to make something worth more than 5 minutes of interesting game play. (Average ~ 20 minutes)
Learned more about Level Design process for 2D Layouts and Game Maker in general.​
Got an award for this demo as a bonus.